"These early red flags predict a partner's likelihood to become abusive, study finds"
https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/12/health/early-signs-of-intimate-partner-violence-wellness/index.htmlLinks to an external site.
This article describes a study done by researches at the University of Western Ontario to identify certain indicators and behaviors that predict abusive violence from a partner. The researchers derived a list of 200 non-abusive and abusive thoughts, feelings and behaviors and through studying 355 participants, narrowed their list to 16 warning signs that predicted violence within six months. Most of these indicators had to do with entitlement, arrogance, control and emotional immaturity. The article goes on to say that although these indicators are worrisome, they are not necessarily a sign it is time to break up, but rather that one should possibly slow down their relationship, talk, and go to therapy or couples counseling.