For this week's video, I was quite thrilled to listen to the interview between Professor Goodman and Ned Hall on the philosophy of prediction. I really enjoyed learning further about the idea related to the mist and how we can look back in time, in our present and kind of in the future, however, it is a little bit more foggy as we look into the future, which Goodman introduces as a metaphor for the idea of prediction. I really enjoy philosophy because I feel as though it allows us to think outside of ourselves for a little while. Hall includes that each of us has a little bit of a view of what lay beyond the fog that can aid in our understanding of the future, however, this is extremely limited. I think that this is true and gives us all a unique perspective of the world and access to this idea of prediction.
I would have liked to learn more about what Hall would think about a group's perspective on seeing past the fog. Does our ability to predict increase with people around us, other than us, or does it change at all? How can we see even further past the fog to make predictions that are more concrete and is this even possible at all?
I think that this understanding, in a philosophical point of view would be extremely important to the understanding of how group work can aid in your predictions.