Take a look at the essential elements of the course, including the framework for predictive systems.
Gain insight into prediction as a human venture by studying the most ancient forms of prediction in Omens and Oracles.
Learn how humanity moved from mystical divination practices to the use of scientific theories to explain natural phenomena.
Discover the cutting edge predictive methods and modeling from preeminent experts across many fields.
How it all fits together
Our project has four main sections, fitting together to offer a broad overview of how humanity has predicted its future throughout history.
We use multiple online platforms to showcase our materials, including edX, LabXchange, YouTube, Spotify, and GitHub.

Video of the Week
PredictionX works to keep our members engaged and updated on all of the vast materials we have to offer.
Our Video of the Week highlights the most relevant production to this week's current events. Learn more about our diverse video collection as you browse through the site.
Prof. Alyssa Goodman
As founder and host of the PredictionX project, Alyssa recruits experts from Harvard and beyond to teach the world what they know about Prediction.
A physicist by training, Alyssa is also a Professor of Astronomy at Harvard, where she uses data, simulations, and new visualization techniques to study how galaxies arrange the gas within them to form new stars.