During this interview, I think what I found most surprising and intriguing is the fact that there is still so much that is unknown. In these scientific fields, it can often feel as though experts’ understanding is universal and information is freely at one’s disposal. However, this interview showed how there are still gaps in knowledge that need to be bridged before predictive systems can be adequately created. Moreover, it also always surprises me how forthcoming experts are with there shortcomings in current knowledge. One may assume that experts would want to appear all knowing and in control but I think this interview shows that the smartest people are those who are willing to admit that there is so much that they don’t know.
I think one question I would’ve liked to see asked would be why these two researchers got into their field. In the introductions, they briefly explain who they are and what they do professionally but at least for me, I always resonate more with an expert when I know why someone chose to take on the questions that they’ve devoted their lives to answering. I enjoy knowing how much one’s career is driven by passion and the journey that people go on to find that passion. I also like to understand when people realized that this was what they wished to do with their career but I think I may be alone in enjoying the professional context of these experts’ inquiries. However, overall I think the interview was well-conducted in terms of providing informational context for the predictive systems themselves.