What do you, personally, think you will remember most about this interview a year from now?
After watching this interview, my biggest takeaway was understanding how important mathematicians and scientists are when presenting statistical information to the public. Using complicated jargon like mathematical words can create more confusion than alleviate public concerns. There's a strong need for statistics to be presented in an accurate and accessible manner so that people of all education levels and backgrounds can easily understand. I think I'll remember that when communicating information to an audience, it's important to be cognizant of the fact that I'm trying to address people from all different backgrounds, so finding a way to present information in the most accessible/easy-to-understand method is really important.
How do you think any aspect of the interview will affect your own future, or society's future?
As someone involved with research in the sciences and also a science concentrator, I've spent a lot of time working on research posters and designing ways to present my work to a broader audience that may be unfamiliar with the subject I'm working with. This interview reminded me of how I need to continue working on making my research more accessible while still maintaining its impact. This interview will have a lasting impact on the way I remember to communicate when speaking with a more general audience.
Looking at society's future, I think that this interview really emphasizes the need for accuracy and clarity in statistics. As more people become familiar with statistics or statistics become more accessible, our society will hopefully become better at making informed decisions in all facets of life. Additionally, this may impact how people perceive statistics in areas like public health and education. Additionally, more policies may start requiring transparency in statistical reporting, which could also help people make better informed choices.
I really think you have a good point that the use of complicated Jargon can make it very confusing for Humans to understand statistics, math, and science. However, I would just caution that we should be careful to not dumb it down to the extent where we lose specifity. If you have to explain every word, then yes that is bad, but for example we should use the word "uncertainty" and "accuracy" when descrubing predictions, we might just have to explain what those terms mean to us as stasticians.