This interview relates to my project because my project is about flight delay prediction, and improving predictions of flight delays can massively impact how we use resources. For example, keeping airplanes taxiing on runways means more fuel burned, so an ideal system would not have any of these delays. Daniel Kammen describes how the public perceives energy usage, and airplane usage (especially in cases like private jets) is a hotly contested topic in terms of environmental impact. Kammen's work on public perception of energy usage and environmental impact can provide valuable insights into how the public views airline travel, especially concerning issues like fuel consumption and emissions. Hopefully, with improvements in airplane prediction models, the effect of airplanes on the environment can be lessened.
The below graph highlights the emissions caused by private jets, showing their rising levels. Though improving flight predictions would obviously not make the emissions go to 0, ideally the emissions would decrease significantly.
Sobieralski, Joseph & Mumbower, Stacey. (2022). Jet-setting during COVID-19: Environmental implications of the pandemic induced private aviation boom. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 13. 100575. 10.1016/j.trip.2022.100575.