I listened to the interview with Columbia's Stuart Firestein. The most interesting and surprising thing I learned was about simulations of human biological systems. The brain is so incredibly complex and quite literally, layered. Firestein's description of the kinetic formulas that govern the biological processes was really interesting to me -- this discussion reminded me of SEIR models, slightly, which are also, of course, governed by differential equations.
The question that I might ask Stuart Firestein, given the chance, is if his research on the olfactory system is translated at all into other senses, like touch, or if it's conserved in other mammals, etc.
The full interview can be found here: https://www.labxchange.org/library/pathway/lx-pathway:0b417a9e-6227-44a8-a887-dbfdf44e37e3/items/lx-pb:0b417a9e-6227-44a8-a887-dbfdf44e37e3:lx_simulation:f6d09171?source=%2Flibrary%2Fclusters%2Flx-cluster%3AModernPrediction