I was super interested by and excited about the idea of "unknown unknowns." The idea that we know so little that we don't even know what we don't know is a little stressful, but I find it more exciting because it means that there is so much more room to explore. For a while, I thought the trajectory of science was a little like a cone, where we start very broad and then get so narrow that there is very little room to explore, and everyone is bumping up against each other trying to make new discoveries. Instead, it is like an upsidown cone that just keeps getting wider and wider as we learn more. As Professor Goodman quoted, "the more I learn, the less I know," and I think that is a very inspiring view of science. It gets especially intersting when we look at it through the lens of extraterrestial life because there is SO MUCH left to uncover.
Video: https://www.labxchange.org/library/items/lb:HarvardX:68789c56:lx_simulation:1?fullscreen=true