Most of my experience with AI happened today. Yesterday, I had taken an econ exam (multiple choice) on which the class average was a 66%. I had access to the test and was able to see what I had gotten wrong, and I wanted to see how well chat GPT would have done on the test. When asked the questions that did not include images, it answered about 60% of the questions correctly. Many of its answers provided accurate explanations of why it selected that option. However, it made many errors, in fact, it tended to err on the same questions I did. It had detailed explanations for its incorrect answers, demonstrating the "hallucinations" mentioned in the NYT series. When prompted again with the same question, it would sometimes spit out different results or completely contradict itself. Its explanations were very helpful when they were accurate, but required me to have a general understanding of the topic to know whether it was spitting out nonsense or not. To me, this demonstrated the strengths and weaknesses of AI. Very smart but easy to confuse and then ultimately to be confused by.
I then read this article, which was equally fascinating as it was disturbing.