Because I’m doing my final project on earthquake prediction, there wasn’t much from the Brendan Meade half of the video that really felt like ‘new’ information. However, there was an analogy he made that I found quite interesting, that being between buildings and bike helmets. For one, I did not know you’re supposed to replace your bike helmet after getting in an accident; it seems obvious, but as someone who’s not an avid bike rider, it never crossed my mind. But more importantly, Meade points out that while many buildings made in areas with frequent earthquakes try to accommodate for these disasters, the buildings are like bike helmets and are not meant to withstand multiple earthquakes. Similarly with the bike helmets, this is something that sounds obvious when you hear it but still likely would not have crossed your mind beforehand. While it’s one of many reasons, I think buildings not getting proper care is why so much devastation can happen after an earthquake.
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